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Blog: International Fall Day
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There didn't seem to be as many people there as last time, which was a bit of a surprise as I'd've thought there be MORE Fall fans than Smog fans, but then I guess Fall fans are ALSO more likely to be unable to go and sit in a PUB/VENUE on a Sunday afternoon when there are a) loads of festivals happening and b) for many of them, THE DUTIES OF ADULT RESPONSIBILITY to attend to. Still, it was all very pleasant and almost too soon it was time for US to hit the stage, and do THIS:
We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves - as ever it was a bit WEIRD playing to the backs of people bowling but ALSO as ever it was nice to have people there who WEREN'T expecting to watch bands but got ENTICED to do so by out MAJESTIC ROCK. Theme From Sparta FC sounded DEAD good, and I think we may do it AGANE - i hope so anyway, I'd spent all week learning the words! Our general opinion that the full (ish) band version of Being Happy Doesn't Make You Stupid is going to be GRATE was pretty much borne out - it needs WORK still, but it feels GOOD - and the FACT that I was congratulating myself on remembering the words to BOTH these new live tracks mean that YET AGANE I thought "Hey! Isn't it going well?" halfway through Hey Hey 16K and, as usual, then COMPLETELY cocked it up. I should really stop doing that!Billy Jones Is Dead
The Gay Train
Do The Indie Kid
Theme From Sparta FC
Being Happy Doesn't Make You Stupid
Hey Hey 16K
The Lesson Of The Smiths
Easily Impressed
Once the gig was DONE Tom and Tim had to ZOOM off, as Tom was KNACKERED and Tim had to be up early for work, so I stopped for a chat with Mr S Walker and also The Mighty George, who had organised it all, before slipping away into the night. It had been QUITE a weekend!
posted 11/7/2007 by MJ Hibbett
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