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Blog: Life On The Road
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I woke up in the night to be SICK, which i have only done approx FOUR times in my adult life, so spent Saturday morning feeling a bit sorry for myself. We were just about to go for a Big Healthy Walk when i VOMITTED rather a LOT, so while The Family Bates and The Laces In My Walking Boots set off for a HIKE i returned to the Z-Bed and dozed off watching Football Focus.
I was gradually feeling a bit better, so we carried on with THE PLAN, heading to Lichfield Trent Valley Station to get the train, along with LOADS of Aston Villa Fans, into Birmingham New Street. True to form, it was Hell On Earth - dark, stinking, ill-signed and all round horrible. The air was FULL of announcements about not smoking and not forgetting your luggage, but when The Time On My Timetable's train to London DISAPPEARED from the boards they said NOTHING. She ended up getting a train which, apparently, DID NOT EXIST, while i ran off to get my train to Leicester - formerly Central Trains, the WORST TRAIN COMPANY EVER, this was now East Midlands, tho still pretty horrific - i had to FITE to get into the train, and the LOCKED the doors five minutes before setting off as they could not fit ANYBODY else in. One woman next to me had a panic attack and her friend kept up a SCREECHING COMMENTARY about how awful it was FOR THE WHOLE HOUR'S JOURNEY. It was not fun.
I was EXTREMELY grateful to get to Leicester, checked into my HOTEL, then got a taxi over to Scenic Aylestone Village to see The Lawsons. We had a LOVELY evening involving home cooking, chat, A Tour Of The House (in the nicest possible way,it seems FAR to nice for one of MY friends to be allowed to live in) and some RED WINE. OH yes! We watched a bit of telly too, as chosen by Chris's TEENAGE SON (surely that makes him nearly as old as ME?!?), "Peep Show", featuring SWEARING. It was EXTREMELY FUNNY to realise that this was making CHRIS incredibly uncomfortable, like someone's DAD watching Unsuitable Television with you when you're a teenager... because that's what it WAS! It's nice to know some things never change!
Soon it was time to go home and, still feeling a bit dicky, i was grateful to get into bed at a reasonable time to have a REALLY BIG KIP.
I got up LATE on Sunday and sat in bed watching The Andrew Marr Show and reading the paper. DELIGHTFUL. Just after noon Doctor Neil Brown arrived and we ZOOMED off to Mountsorrel, taking a diversion to see The Most Exciting Development In Leicester (Chris had also mentioned it and it was nearly the first thing Tim said to me later on) - the demolition of Upperton Road Bridge. It was BRAIN MELTING to drive to Narborough on FLAT LAND and NOT over a local landmark (known as "The Boring Bridge" in my day) that had been there for over a century. WEIRD!
Anyway, we got to Mountsorrel and visited The Stonehurst Family Farm, which was LOVELY. We enjoyed SCONES and rather a lot of TEA, popped into the Farm Shop, said hello to the Donkey, and walked around the Actually Rather Good MOTOR MUSEUM. A CHARMING interlude!
Neil dropped me off at The Pattison's, and I sat in the kitchen talking to Tim while he made Sunday dinner, and then did some drawing with The Girls - i drew a Gorilla making pancakes, and was rather pleased with it. Emma got home from a CRAFT FAYRE she'd had a stall at, we had our TEA, and then Tom "The Tiger" McClure arrived, so we packed up the VAN and headed off to SHEFFIELD for our next gig.
LIFE ON THE ROAD! ROCK AND ROLL! (repeat to fade)
posted 3/12/2007 by MJ Hibbett
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