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Blog: Sheffield
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The night was promoted by King Of Men Mr Pete Green, who said to us when we arrived "Good news! There'll be no trouble with sets over-running, the bands can keep playing until MIDNIGHT!" I fear we may have disappointed him with our reaction, as we all INSTANTLY thought "OH NO - i'll be out WAY past my bed time!"
The Deirdres were soundchecking first, and as there were SEVEN on them we INTUITED that it might be a while before our turn, so we got back in the van, got slightly lost again, and found a kebab house so Tom could have some TEA. Back at the venue we found things were still going on with our INCREDIBLY YOUTHFUL gig-mates, and also that literally (not literally) MILLIONS of lovely people were turning up - it was BRILLIANT, everywhere you turned there was somebody we a) LIKED and b) EITHER had gigged with OR had a gig put on by. LOVELY!
We got our soundcheck, settled down with beers and soon the evening was OFF, with Nat from Monkey Swallows The Universe doing her first solo gig and obviously inciting a LOT of people to come down to see her - it was RAMMED. Next up it was me and Pete's TOUR BUDDIES The 10p Mixes, who it was GOOD to see again, and then it was US, doing THIS:
The Gay Train
Hey Hey 16K
Mental Judo
Being Happy Doesn't Make You Stupid
Do The Indie Kid
My Boss Was In An Indie Band Once
The Lesson Of The Smiths
Easily Impressed
It was BLOODY GRATE! OH we had a marvellous time - there was SHOUTING, there was DANCING, there was SINGING ALONG and there was BANTER - i was especially pleased to have HONED the GAG about Songs Being Verified By People Who Were THERE. I tried it on Friday with Mileage being able to verify that his father had INDEED said "It doesn't really matter if you're straight or gay, all that matters is love" but it did BETTER when I pointed out that Mr Chris Gilmour having been present at the gig mentioned in Mental Judo, and that having songs verifiable was a practice to be encouraged. "I understand Bruce Springsteen's Midwife turns up at his gigs to confirm that he WAS Born To Run." This, i thought, was quite clever, until BOTH Tim AND Markie In The Audience said "But WHERE was he Born?" In the USA, obviously.
So yes, it was all VERY jolly, and things continued in that vain with The Deirdres, who were GRATE. LOADS of people have been telling me lately how brilliant they are, and they were CORRECT. It's SEVEN (7!) people all playing various instruments, shouting, clapping hands, dancing around, and very obviously having a FANTASTIC time, which becomes INFECTIOUS. The only thing i DIDN'T like about them was how VERY VERY YOUNG they all were, MAN, it made me feel old!
After the gig it seemed like EVERYONE was going to be coming to STOKE in a couple of weeks where it's us, The Deirdres and Horowitz playing together, and talk on the long journey home was very EXCITED at the prospect. We got to Tim's at about 1am and then by the time we'd got to Tom's and had a cup of MINT TEA (rather than the usual WHISKY) it was two in the morning. Two in the morning! Who says we don't ROCK LIKE BEASTS eh? Answer: NOBODY!
posted 3/12/2007 by MJ Hibbett
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An Artists Against Success Presentation