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Blog: Swan: Still Paddling

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I'm very conscious of the fact that things may have gone ever so slightly quiet here on the blog. This is not because nothing is going on, FAR FROM IT, it's because LOTS is occurring which is EITHER preventing me from doing this bit OR is just a continuation of other things previously mentioned and, as i'm sure everyone is well aware, i would NEVER repeat myself. NEVER. NEVER. NEVER. (etc)

For instance, as part of my preparations for the new single I have done myself an ACTION PLAN. This is partly to make sure everything gets done and partly to stop myself worrying about it. This has been DEAD useful as i am also working on a PARALLEL project to do my FAWM songs as a proper album, and there are Multiple Cross Pollination Opportunities e.g. I'm probably going to Colour Photocopy the covers for said FAWM album, in a way which will leave about a third of a sheet of A3 FREE, which i can use (i realised with a BLINDING FLASH yesterday) for the covers for the promo CDs of the single! CUNNING huh?

THUS yesterday I followed the plan and emailed everyone a) who is on the mailing list b) whose email I have and c) whose Record Player Ownership i am unsure of, to ask them if whether they have the ability to play singles. DELIGHTFULLY many of them have already replied, with EXTRA info included too, such as the FACT that there's going to be a review of A Million Ukeleles in the next issue of Rock N Reel Magazine. COOL HUH?

TODAY I have been Self-TASKED with doing the onbody artwork for both the promo CDs AND for the FAWM album - which, BY THE WAY, is going to also feature the COLLABORATION between me and Tom Lardpony, which was finished off today. It's HERE if you fancy a listen. I did the words, Tom did the rest, including a RATHER LOVELY Guitar Solo. NICE!

So, as you can probably tell from the slightly BOGGLE EYED nature of this post, it is all GO here at the moment. Hopefully I will have some covers and Ordering Details for one or both of these items by the end of the week and, as stated previously, a VERY EXCLUSIVE OFFER for people who've signed up for the newsletter. Stayed tuned for more FACT!

posted 26/2/2008 by MJ Hibbett

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