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Blog: Exciting Gig Announcements

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It's all a bit quiet in the world of ROCK at the moment - the Validator Hiatus is in full effect, rehearsals for Dinosaur Planet: THE MUSICAL are yet to begin, and I'm waist deep in PHP and SQL as i skip happily through the fields of PROGRAMMING towards completion of the new look website.

SIDEBAR: yes, after my MOANING about Blogger and it's cessation of FTP Blogging Provision I went out looking for alternatives and eventually found that I'd need to get a new service provider in order to make ANYTHING work and, once I'd got THAT sorted out and rediscovered the JOYS of online databases, realised that actually the simplest thing of ALL would be to just do it MYSELF. So that's what I'm doing - hopefully this BESPOKE version of the webpages will be up and about before the end of April, and will feature EVERYTHING that's here now (in slightly different locations) and a whole HOST of extra features. I'm MOST excited about the possibilities of running parts of The Database Of ROCK online, so that not only will you be able to see where, say, an individual song has been released, you'll also be able to see EVERYWHERE that it's ever been played. ZANG!

Anyway, as a result of all this things are as stated a little quiet, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to do a couple of GIG ANNOUNCEMENTS. Here goes!

First of all I'm very very VERY happy to announce that The Validators' ONLY festival gig this summer will be at the Indietracks Festival! HOORAH! I know it's probably not that much of a surprise - and it wasn't like Monsters Of Rock were banging our door down or anything - but we're VERY excited about it. We'll also hopefully be doing a warm-up gig in the Midlands a couple of days beforehand, and then that'll probably be IT for us doing gigs together until November at the earliest!

In the meantime though there will, of course, be Dinosaur Planet: THE MUSICAL to look forward to and though we can't announce dates and venue for the Edinburgh run just yet (mostly because we haven't got it actually BOOKED just yet...) I am EXTREMELY happy to give the proposed dates for our post-Edinburgh Lap Of Honour. We're going to be doing TWO nights in London, on August 28th and 29th, at The Camden Head as part of the Camden Fringe Festival. Myself and Mr S Hewitt are rather CHUFFED with this, as it's a GRATE venue for it and who knows? We might even have got the hang of DOING it by then!

If you need further details of these or ANY of the THRILLING live performances we have scheduled do pop over to the GIGS section, and maybe see you at one of them!

posted 4/3/2010 by MJ Hibbett

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