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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 48
< issue 47 | issue 49 > |
Hello all, and welcome to this WHOLE NEW YEAR edition of the newsletter. Let's GO!
I'm gradually dipping my toe back into... er... THE ROAD over the next few weeks, as follows:
Friday February 6 - The Criterion, Leicester
Saturday February 7 - The Criterion, Leicester
('My Exciting Life In ROCK' for two nights at the Leicester Comedy Festival)
Thursday February 19 - Komedia, Brighton
(With The Lovely Brothers and The Bobby McGees)
Tuesday February 24 - The Lamb, London
(Totally Acoustic with Tim Eveleigh and 'Wiffle Lever To Full' author Bob Fischer)
Tuesday March 10 - The Green Dragon, London
(Freedom of Expression with Sue Verran, Jenny Lockyer and Matt Geary)
Friday March 13 - The Boathouse, Cambridge
(With Scott McKewan, The Three Amigos and Mr Barbs)
More details, as ever, at http://www.mjhibbett.net/gigs/gigs.htm
Only two gigs so far this year - the first was Totally Acoustic with Superman Revenge Squad and Orange Nichole, the second was Mr C Flowers' birthday party with George Death and Cracktown. If all gigs this year are as DELIGHTFUL as those both were I shall be a VERY happy Hibbett!
It's cover MANIA here at Vlads Central, with our versions of 'Glory Days' (B Springsteen), 'House Of Fun' (Madness) and 'Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue' (The Ramones) all heading off to their respective compilers for approval. I've also done a cover of a song called 'Two Of The Beatles Have Died' (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=26kOyGjEez8) and we're going to be doing 'Dancing In The Lesbian Bar' for a Jonathan Richman one. That's a LOT of compilations!
Meanwhile, back on the album front, we're in the studio for (hopefully) the LAST session next week, when we'll be doing final tweaks and MASTERING. We're also having a combined Christmas Curry (delayed) / BAND MEETING to discuss the cover artwork, multimedia bits, release dates and TOURING. More news on all THAT next time!
Finally, thanks to everyone who went and watched the 'Advent Calendar Of FACT' video. It didn't exactly set the world on fire, but hey! There's always NEXT Christmas!
Part of the multimedia mentioned above will be a Questions And Answers Section, and if you have the time and inclination, we'd like some help please. What question would YOU like to ask The Validators? It can be about pretty much anything really, just reply to this email with a question and we'll try and answer it in 'VLAD FACTS', the free magazine that'll be included on the CD. INTERACTIVITY TASTIC!
As mentioned in the gig dates, we're performing the band version of 'My Exciting Life In ROCK' at this year's Leicester Comedy Festival. We appear to have sold some tickets ALREADY, so if you fancy coming and want to be sure of getting in, please visit http://www.comedy-festival.co.uk/events/ and search for 'My Exciting Life'.
Meanwhile NEXT year's Fringe Show, 'Dinosaur Planet'. is coming along nicely, with about five songs already written. If you like DINOSAURS, you are going to like this show!
And finally the BLOG version of 'My Exciting Life In ROCK' trundles on, as ever, at http://www.popartlondon.co.uk/digest . This year I've gone back to the very BEGINNING of my career in ROCK, so far we've had the story of The Masters Of Nothing and we're just about to start on the mighty LEGEND that is VOON - EXCITING TIMES!
And that's about the lot for now - thanks for listening!
< issue 47 | issue 49 > |