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Blog: The Gods Of ROCK say: Not Yet
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All that was left to do was a couple of snazzy finishing touches, including a rather smashing little title sequence and a DEAD COOL bit of wizardry that makes the song title and stuff appear at the start JUST like on the telly. We watched it right through and BY HECK it was looking PRETTY DARN GROOVY.
All that was left was technical stuff, getting the finished thing exported into a useable format, then putting it into the correct format for YouTube, and THEN running off a copy we could use on the forthcoming single. This last bit took over an HOUR to do as Rob was doing it POSHLY, so we got YouTube set up and then made a little webpage for it all to sit in. JOY was UNCONTAINED: soon it would all be finished!
Some time later YouTube was ready for us, so we looked upon our work. "Hang on", i said, "What's that horrible rumble all the way through?" PANIC. We investigated further and it turned out that the nasty distracting RUMBLE had come all the way through the process, we hadn't noticed it simply because we'd been working on a computer without much in the way of bass speakers. We'd have to go ALL the way back to the start, resample the song again, try and line it up with the original soundtrack, and then RE-DO all the different video formats!
ARGH! So that's why I'm not leaping around today saying "Whoo! Look at our video!" for LO! it is not yet done... but it will be, very soon. I think we handled it really well tho, OK we did both sit being a bit MOPEY about it whilst the rest of the Family Manuel (NB Lucy and Angus) sat and watched it, but neither of us actually CRIED or tried to brake anything. This is because we are sensible men of the world, who know that if the aforementioned see fit to MAKE PLAY with us, it is usually for a reason.
I really hope it all comes together next time though, it's dead good and i want people to SEE it!
posted 11/10/2006 by MJ Hibbett
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