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Blog: Like A Swan's Feet

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It may seem QUIET here on the old blog at the moment, but GOODNESS ME, 'neath the surface it is all go as we start to start up the motors for this year's ROCKING.

Today's main business has been trying to ORGANISE ourselves ready for a SLEW of GIGS, some booked and some in the AIR. The most EXCITING of these is occuring in Nottingham on May 1st, when we will be playing with our own, our very own, Mr Frankie Machine and also the IMMENSE LEGEND (also, lovely chap) Mr Phil Wilson! We are SOMEWHAT excited about this, it's not often you get to play with one of the very ARCHITECTS OF INDIE, especially one who has emerged, KING ARTHUR LIKE, from decades of slumber. It will, i think, be QUITE GOOD.

The other gigs are around the same time and, I think, are working out RATHER NICELY to be officially termed as a TOUR for the SINGLE. This is especialy pleasing to me as it means I don't have to BOOK any more, which is always a bit scary. The rather unexpected side effect of all this excitement is that it has FRIGHTENED me slightly - i am very MUCH in Record Label mode at the moment, only yesterday i APPROVED ARTWORK for the single, after liaising with our ART DIRECTOR, and the thought of dashing about all of a sudden doing a bunch of gigs in close proximity fills me slightly with NERVES. I am having to think calm thoughts, most notably "these are all at least a couple of months away AND far apart from each other, it will be FINE" but it is STRANGE how quickly my BRANE switches from GIG MONSTER like it was last year over to CAPTAIN CARDIGAN.

I'm also WHITTLING about EDINBURGH and putting the album out, neither of which is going to happen for at least six MONTHS as yet. Maybe this is why LABEL EXECUTIVES have to spend so much money on MASSAGES, to relieve the STRESS? Somebody fetch me a CIGAR and some sunglasses, i fear i may PANIC!

posted 20/2/2008 by MJ Hibbett

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