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I am thrown into confusion by the plural of "photo" (also "demo" for similar reasons)... anyway, I went to an EXHIBITION yesterday, Yes, I know, I AM bloody sophisticated. It was photographs of Frank Sinatra at the Proud Gallery, and it was BRILLIANT. I got there at 5.30 and SURPRISED them by wanting to come in, and had to bang on the door a lot to gain entrance . Surprisingly, I had the place to myself, and wandered around with a BIG grin on my face. Really, they were EXCELLENT, I VERY nearly bought the twenty quid book that it was publicising, and probably will later. The two pictures that stuck in my mind were one of Frank in the recording studio (leaning over two saxophonists, obviously saying "Hey hep cats, cool it down a spat and we'll fritz this crazy joint") and another of him looking backwards LEERING at A Show Girl in a way (and in a hat) that would look SEEDY on anyone else of his age, but on him looked INSANELY cool. My dears, I VERY nearly persuaded myself to buy a print, but at about £170 each I thought perhaps this might not be the best idea I have ever had.

Twenty quid for the book though, that's a BARGAIN...
posted 1/2/2003 by MJ Hibbett

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