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Blog: The June Brides

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The Station On My Tube Map and I headed off to distant Stoke Newington last night, on a train containing a band who SEEMED to be from Germany. COuld it be S/T, the second of the two bands on tonight, we wondered? They didn't get off at Stoke Newington, so we assumed EITHER no OR they were horribly lost and we should have asked them.

We arrived at the venue - The Others, hidden above a snooker parlour - to find S/T had just soundchecked. RELIEF. The foreign seeming band DID however turn up later on, which was slightly unnerving.

Anyway, The Others was a LOVELY venue, it had the air of early 90's organised bohemia that I remembered from, well, from the LAST time we were In Recession. Much like The Magazine back in Leicester back then, it was clearly somewhere that had seen better days but was being run by lovely people with a PURPOSE. There was an open call for ARTISTS, RUGS and SOFAS all over the place, and all it really needed was a "Women Of History" poster on the wall and free condoms in the toilet to make it IDENTICAL.

We were there to see Mr Phil Wilson play with a combination of his new band and his old, The June Brides. We met he and Mrs Pam Wilson in THE VIP AREA (well, it didn't have a signs saying so, or a velvet rope, but i reckon that's what it was) and were soon joined by Dandelion Radio's ROCKER. He said he was off afterwards to see Gregory Webster DJing, and I said that we'd only been In Recession for a few hours and ALREADY the 80's indie popstars were coming back. Actually I said this several times in the hope that someone would say "AHA! Excellent joke Hibbett!" and am, indeed, doing so again now.

Soon it was showtime, with Phil, his new band, and THREE other June Brides taking to the stage. They were FANTASTIC, especially, rather excitingly, when they did some of the new stuff, and ESPECIALLY especially when they did "I Own It", which is my FAVOURITE. It was a huge powerful show of ROCK, also TUNES, and by golly there were a LOT of Gentlemen Of A Certain Age And Inclination who were REALLY enjoying it. It was FANTASTIC.

Afterwards we sat around and had a bit of an old chat with the many and various delightful TYPES who were there, during which I told Rocker about the album "Drunken Trees" by First Aid Kit, what I'd just got (and which I am listening to now, it's ACE). He WHIPPED a gadget from his inside pocket and said "Note to self: First Aid Kid album." We were AWESTRUCK - he had a DIGITAL DICTATION MACHINE! It even had a USB PORT! WANT!

Then it was S/T who were GRATE - totally mesmerising PROPER Krautrock, absolutely brilliant stuff which seemed to happen at high speed and make you blink and suddenly realise you'd been watching, grinning, NODDING for half an hour without realising.

Soon however it was time for us to head for the train, bumping into Tony The Manager (of Prolapse in days of yore) on the way out, which was a bit odd as I was a) surprised and b) in a DASH. I'm off to see I,Ludicrous tonight, ANOTHER band from the last Recession, i wonder who I'll bump into THIS time?

posted 24/1/2009 by MJ Hibbett

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