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Blog: We Are All Winners

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As GENTLY and OCCASIONALLY mentioned (in passing) (once or twice) I was nominated in the first stages of the UK Festivals Awards. I of course ABHOR anything which even SUGGESTS there should be "awards" for ART, i believe i am probably ON RECORD as saying so and therefore it came only as GOOD NEWS to me to find out that I hadn't got through to the final stages and that Caza Azul, nominated in the same section for THEIR performance at Indietracks HAD. GOOD NEWS.

So yes, they're in the final stage as indeed is the GRATE festival at which we were both HONOURED to play and so if you would like to... er... SUBVERT (yes) the idea of awards and, well, give some nice people a thoroughly deserved PAT ON THE BACK then it would be GRATE if you could take the time to have a VOTE.

Meanwhile, in other news, Dan H ALERTED me to the fact that a) Dave Gorman's got a new radio show starting tomorrow on Absolute Radio and b) he's looking for JINGLES so this morning I wrote and recorded one, sent it to them about noon, and five minutes later got a reply saying they'd be using it tomorrow! CORKS! I'd better set the alarm!

posted 17/10/2009 by MJ Hibbett

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Just spotted this:
posted 10/11/2009 by Dan H

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