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Blog: Moon Horse, The Final Night

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And so it came to pass that Mr S Hewitt and myself met one last time in Camden for the final night of our... er... two night run at The Camden Fringe. I knew it was going to be a good one pretty much from the start, as PEOPLE started to appear. People I knew! And everything!

By the time we'd got everyone upstairs we were verging on a full house, which was LOVELY. Last year we had an ACTUAL full house one night but a nearly empty on the other, whereas this time we've overall been MUCH fuller, which is the kind of thing one WANTS, when one is doing this sort of thing. It was also an audience ready to CHUCKLE and GIGGLE and LARF right from the off, which made this FINAL show (for a while anyway) one of the most fun to do, although alarmingly the "AGENDA" gag didn't get a laugh, even when I pointed out that it had just happened!

That's been one of the big THINKING POINTS for this show: there's LOTS of points where people can LARF, but audiences seem to choose at least one GAG each night that's usually a BANKER where they decide not even to titter. It's most odd, but also quite exciting, especially when something that's never been funny before suddenly IS. This evening the appearance of SATAN got more laughs than it ever has before, largely because of the replacement "costume" that Steve had bought him. It was ACE!

The whole show ran pretty darn smoothly, even when one of the lights decided to EXPLODE/COLLAPSE, giving us a 30 second a break and forcing yet ANOTHER rewind in the timeline to add to all the others that happen.

We VIDEOED it this time too, so i FINALLY got to see what Steve's getting up to while I'm trying to sing Only A Robot. Stop messing about Eddie! I'm trying to do a song for the nice ladies and gentlemen!

It was a LOVELY night - many thanks to everyone who came along, and INDEED everyone who's been to see it elsewhere. We've had a HUGE amount of fun doing this show, and have learnt a LOT. In fact, we don't really want to STOP doing it just yet, so if anyone would like to BOOK us somewhere, do please get in touch. We've got a few irons in the first for touring, but are very VERY open to any other ideas!

posted 30/8/2011 by MJ Hibbett

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