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Blog: Up To And Including The 29th Day Of December

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A very merry 29th Day of December! We know a song about that, don't we?

Why, it's as true this year as it was... er... last year, for LO! there has been a GRATE deal of sitting around and watching telly since last we spoke, also ACTIVITIES. The Words In My Dictionary and I had a DAY OUT just before Other People's Christmas, when we went to the Samuel Johnson HOUSE in London (it was ACE), and then I spent a DELIGHTFUL couple of days at my parents' watching TELLY. "We never do this normally" said my Mum, as we REVELLED in SOFAs and DRAMA, but we also did the sort of thing people only do in newspaper articles i.e. played CARDS and CHARADES! No, really, we totally did - the fact that I'd had CHAMPAGNE and WHISKY by 10am probably helped the jollity along!

Since returning to London there's been great events on the ROCK front too, as I've spent many hours packing PROMO copies of the album. I posted THE LOT yesterday, though not without some difficulties - I went all the way into London Town to post a pile of them through The Secret BBC Window... only to find that The Secret BBC Window was SHUT for "Corporation Day", their extra day's Christmas leave. ARGH! NONE of the SEVERAL BBC buildings I visited would take them, so I had to stomp all the way home and affix STAMPS instead. Still, after the many and various HURDLES we've faced with getting the album MADE this was but a small bump and they're all safely on the way now.

Today's job is a trip to look at the THAMES BARRIER (ZANG!) and then, from tomorrow, I expect to be spending the next month frantically SELF-GOOGLING and reading radio playlists. For LO! Dinosaur Planet is about the hit THE MEDIA - we can only hope that THE MEDIA can take take it!

posted 29/12/2011 by MJ Hibbett

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