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Blog: New Year's Day Parade

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Tempted as I am to leave my blog with the final entry from last year, to make it look like i DID take the second spaceship, there's a LOT to talk about this year - I'm planning to bring back the STATS, look back at some LESSONS LEARNED, and there'll also, of course, be a whole lot of Total Hero Team to talk about!

Before all that though, my 2012 ended with a WILD PARTY, sat in our front room with The Dates On My Calendar, watching the fireworks on telly and drinking POSH WHISKY. It was ACE!

Slightly less ACE was getting up at the CRACK OF MORNING to head to TESCO - it was my turn to do the shopping and I wanted to get it DONE, but I ended up having a MAGICAL time. It turns out that pretty much NOBODY goes shopping at 9.30am on New Year's Day, so I GLIDED round the shop, leaving my trolley where'ere I wished, untroubled by traffic. It was delightful!

The reason I wanted it DONE was because we were heading into town for London's New Year's Day Parade. This consisted of FLOATS by various London Boroughs (some fab, some CLEARLY cobbled together at the last minute), some MAYORS (I think it should be compulsory for ALL the Mayors to PARADE like this - imagine if you saw 80 mayors all striding down the Mall together!), loads of Cheerleaders, and MILLIONS* (*not millions, but LOTS) of Marching Bands. These last two were incredibly impressive, especially since most of them seemed to have come from AMERICA - all over America too, from single schools in places I'd never heard of. It was incredible thinking of KIDS from little towns all over the States getting on the plane just after Christmas and heading to London.

My favourite bit of the parade, however, was when THE GAMES MAKERS strode past. The Games Makers! Everyone CHEERED! Watching all the summaries of 2012 it's become pretty clear that most people DO NOT want to let the Olympics go just yet, possibly EVER. I think at last we have found something to GO ON ABOUT for the next 50 years to replace a) 1966 b) The War, and it's WONDERFUL to think that it's something so beautiful, also something which happened just down the end from my house!

All this THORT and LOVELINESS led to some LUNCH and then a PINT back in Tap East, before we settled down to do some HOMEWORK for my course: watching Ratatouille. WHAT a brilliant film - i think this term is going to be GRATE!

posted 2/1/2013 by MJ Hibbett

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