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Blog: New Year New Flat

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Happy New Year one and all, and apologies for the complete drop-out in BLOGGING for the past couple of weeks. The reason for this was simple: we moved house!

I'd been gearing up for the move for AGES - selling stuff on eBay, giving tonnes of things to the charity shop, and generally CLEARING OUT ready for the BIG move, which is happening in the next week or so. For now, however, the "small" move was MORE than enough, as there's been a lot of going back and forth between the old place and our swish new pad carrying boxes of STUFF. There's also been a lot of form filling, Property Manager Emailing (we're in a rented flat in a block all owned by the same company), Deciding What Goes Where, and BUYING stuff. This latter has been especially enlightening, as I have discovered that I have opinions about TOWELS, also CROCKERY!

It's been a lot of work - with more to come - but it's all worth it when we get to potter around in our SUPER SWANKY new flat. There's still things to sort out, but this morning I came into work on the JAVELIN TRAIN, and it all felt worthwhile!

I must say tho, I am VERY much looking forward to getting properly settled in so's I can get on with the Exciting Stuff that's happening this year. There's a SOLO TOUR in the air, a PODCAST for Total Hero Team, VARIOUS writing things, not least my MA Thesis, and maybe even some new Validators Recordings. I can't WAIT to get going on it all - just as soon as I've worked out how our new hoover works!

posted 2/1/2014 by MJ Hibbett

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