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Blog: Superheroes in Sheffield

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On Friday lunchtime I sat in the pub with Mr S Hewitt having a delicious PINT in lovely St Pancras, waiting to head North for some good times, for LO! we were Back On The Road again!

We were off to Sheffield to begin the final tour of Total Hero Team, and we toured in STYLE. There was another pint in the delightful Sheffield Tap, our Usual Suites in The Ibis, and then a GRATE night at The Rutland Arms - INDEED the only fly in the ointment was that the telly in my room wasn't working, so I couldn't watch "Pointless". Watching "Pointless" is one of the BEST BITS of being On The Road, but I coped manfully and read a book instead. I don't expect a medal.

The evening was LOVELY. On with us was Mr Kriss Foster and friend, doing the show I'd seen up in Edinburgh. They were MARVELLOUS - so understated, calm, and very very very funny. I loved the whole thing but my favourite bit was at the end, when he asked if anyone knew what noise a puffin makes. Ms E Pemberton DID and said so. "Nobody's ever answered that before", said Kriss, and demonstrated that she was right with a cuddly puffin toy that made the noise (it's a bit like a cow, growling).

Then it was our turn and we had a smashing time - we only went wrong a couple of times, but nobody seemed to mind (least of all us) and there were LARFS aplenty, especially in the charming children's song "Come On Pussy" which they all seemed to find amusing, for some reason. It felt GOOD to be back doing the show again, and didn't FEEL like nearly TWO MONTHS since we'd last performed it... although to be fair we HAD had a practice the night before. PROFESSIONALISM!

Then it was time for BEER and CHAT and all round FUN with our lovely Sheffield chums before staggering home to bed for a BRIEF KIP before getting up with THE LARK next day for the 09:29 home. It was a long journey but we were sat next to a group of Sheffield ladies having a beautifully voiced, constantly fascinating and GRATE discussion on Many Topics, political and otherwise. When they sat down I thought "Oh noes, STEVE is hungover (STEVE) and here's a bunch of ladies on a hen night or something who'll be LOUD and ANNOYING" but no, they kept us entertained the whole way. What was I expecting? They were from Sheffield, everything in Sheffield is GRATE!

posted 27/1/2014 by MJ Hibbett

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