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Blog: BOOKS!

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This morning i finished reading "The Invention Of Dr Cake" by Andrew Motion, and was Rather Disappointed by it. I read about it in the paper over the weekend, so when i finished my last book (that Toby Young one, it was OK) i thought "AHA! I know EXACTLY what to get!" because the review had made it sound really interesting. However, as it turned out, the review was much more interesting, and actually almost as LONG as the book itself. You know how sometimes you read a book and then gradually drift off until you've forgotten where you were and what you were reading? This happened ALL THE TIME with this one -nothing really grabbed you throughout. It was nicely written, but just not very exciting.

THUS! In order to save other people the bother, here is my PRECIS of the book, written in VERSE form because the so-called Poet Laureate was too lazy to do so himself:

  I had a friend who died
  I only met him twice
  He changed his name from Keats to Cake
  This might have been a slight mistake

I thank you!

posted 13/2/2003 by MJ Hibbett

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