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Blog: The Funny Comics Fan Club Episode Three: Um Bongo Eco

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The third episode of my and John Dredge's podcats "The Funny Comics Fan Club" is out RIGHT NOW, available directly from our podbean site, on all of your favourite podcast sites, also all of the podcast sites you don't have strong opinions about, and also also right HERE:

This time we're talking about "Whoopee" comic, which had some flipping TERRIFC strips in it, including an AMAZING "Frankie Stein" story that proves, once again, that our old pal Umberto "Um Bongo" Eco was totally wrong to suggest that comics exist in a dreamlike state without a past or present. You can listen to my explanation of this on the show and also THRILL to John's DELIGHT in my telling of it. It was the sort of SUBTLE DELIGHT that, I think, is the hugest delight of ALL.

In response to Listener Feedback we've also put SCANS of some of the strips themselves on our SOCIALS, so you can see what on earth we're on about - we're now present on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Bluesky, so you should be able to find us - and even FOLLOW us - on whatever form of The Socials you prefer.

However you gain access I would highly recommend a listen to this episode, as it made ME laugh several times while editing it, and I'd heard all of the jokes ALREADY!

posted 16/9/2024 by MJ Hibbett

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That's MR John Dredge to you!
posted 16/9/2024 by Not Jon, Johnny or Jimbo.

So this is Three Out Of Ten Podcats? I'll get me coat.
posted 17/9/2024 by Jimmy Carr is an acquired taste.

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