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Blog: Top Of The Pops

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One of the (many) GRATE things about doing The Funny Comics Podcast is that you get access to STATS! Not MANY stats, but stats nonetheless i.e. you can go to the homepage and click 'refresh' as many times a day as you like to see if anyone new has downloaded one of the episodes. I really like this as it is a gently babbling stream of VALIDATION, although to be honest I'm not quite sure what it actually MEANS. I'm pretty sure it tells you how many people have actually downloaded a FILE of a show, but does it include people who STREAM them as well? Or what?

I'm still not entirely sure, which was why I was OVERJOYED last week to find that there's a whole OTHER page of stats you can access called podwatch that shows our overall CHART position. Sadly for me this only updates once a day, but it does mean I have an Exciting Thing to click every morning, and THIS morning it was VERY EXCITING INDEED, for LO! we were NUMBER ONE!!

Chart showing The Funny Comics Fan Club at number one

NUMBER ONE! The above is a SCREENSHOT as it is a rolling data source, but it is living proof that we hit the top! All right, I know it is not the ALL PODCASTS EVER chart or anything, and that Comedy Fiction is very likely one of the SMALLER charts, though having said that we were ALSO number fifteen in the overall FICTION chart, so it's pretty good all round. This is, I feel, almost entirely due to the FACT that we were in The Radio Times this week, and I'm guessing that we will gently dip down again as that excitement fades into fond memory, but for now I reckon we're going to sit back and enjoy it. Funny Comics Fan Club! TOP OF THE POPS!

posted 20/9/2024 by MJ Hibbett

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