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Blog: A Case Of Beano Vu

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The latest episode of The Funny Comics Fan Club is out NOW, and this time John and I are talking about The Beano!

Some regular listeners may feel a strange sense of DEJA VU when they listen to it as, due to a purely technical error, this episode was accidentally uploaded instead of the one about Nutty a couple of weeks ago. This was spotted early and we were able to take remedial action, so hopefully no harm was done and it wasn't anybody's fault and definitely not mine for putting the wrong file up the first time.

Those who've NOT already heard it can delight to John and I having a FINE old time revisiting a classic issue of The Greatest and also The Most Important British Comics Of All Time - for those saying "Oh what about 2000AD then en?" I would respond by pointing out that almost every single writer and artist on that JUSTIFIABLY ESTEEMED publication grew up reading and being influenced by The Beano, and THUS without it there would have been no 2000AD nor any British Invasion nor approx 98.7% of all the mainstream comics we have enjoyed up to and including today. I am prepared to make this argument in public and/or at volume.

This episode features a few surprises for us, a lot of discussion about postal orders, and also, right at the start, one of my favourite JOKES of the whole series from Mr J Dredge. You will know it when you hear it, largely due to me LARFING quite a lot.

We're dead chuffed with how these episodes are sounding so far, and would be EXTREMELY grateful to anyone who can like, subscribe, retweet, mention, or wave a placard in their local high street about it. As you can hear, it is very much a DIY operation, so any help getting it out to other people is very much appreciated!

posted 29/9/2024 by MJ Hibbett

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