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Blog: AI Guy Streaming In The Mainstream
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All of which is an exciting and modern way of saying that you can now stream AI Guy on Spotify, or any of the other streaming sites what are also available.
My RADICAL plan of releasing the song and video almost a fortnight before you could actually get it on most of the modern sites was not, as it may first appear, a cunning FIRST STRIKE against the corporate music industry, but rather what happens when I get A Little Bit Excited after seeing people going on and on about AI on telly and think "LAWKS! I'd best get MY contribution to The Debate out there as soon as possible!" As I said at the time, I did initially think "Hang on, is this going to damage any chance I have of making MILLIONS through downloads if this goes viral?!?" but then remembered that a) when one is an ARTISTE what is above such tawdry concerns that is not the point and b) a billion streams would make approx 17 new pence so isn't really worth worrying about.
However, I had already set up the release on all of the streaming platforms and thought it CHURLISH to stop it (and also, really difficult) so now the song is out there to be placed on PLAYLISTS or indeed WORK TEAMS CHATS if that is your kind of thing, and hopefully within a couple of weeks the whole debate will be settled and everyone can get on with doing their "Mundane Activites" unfettered by the 21st Century iteration of CLIPPY. I'm pretty sure that's how it's going to go anyway!
posted 26/1/2025 by MJ Hibbett
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