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Blog: Good Review and GIG

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Another review HOVED into view today, from the lovely people at Tasty Fanzine. They liked it! HOORAH!

In other news, we apparently got played on Gideon Coe last week - we didn't know because a) we were all at work and couldn't listen and b) they use the BBC6 SENILE PLAYLIST ROBOT, which gets very confused and seems to insist that, for instance, Mr Coe played the same Blondie record about 8 times today. Anyway, that's very lovely and apparently they'll be playing "Fair Play Trophy" again as we move closer to The Football itself! ZANG!

Other good news is that AMAZON have sorted out their listing for "Shed Anthems", so you can now safely PRE-ORDER it from them, if you like, at the correct price. HOORAH AGAIN!

And finally, I've just confirmed a RETURN to the 12 Bar... well, actually, I've confirmed TWO - we'll be doing a label SHOWCASE gig there in September, but nearer to now i'll be playing at the next Hieronymous Bosch night, on June 24th. If you're in the area, do pop in, why don't you?

posted 2/6/2004 by MJ Hibbett

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