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Blog: We Got Gigs!

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Have I mentioned our mini GIG FRENZY for next year? If not, watch out, HERE I GO: We've got a mini GIG FRENZY early in the new year - yeah! WHOO!

It's sort of crept up on us really - we start off with DERBY on January 10th at the Vic. MAN ALIVE this'll be the first Validators gig in Derby for AGES, since the AAS All-Dayer all that time ago, and hopefully we'll be doing a GOODLY CHUNK of New Material, especially the Church Hall Unsafe New Material that we WON'T be doing at Woodhouse Eaves in a couple of weeks.

Shortly after that Mr McClure and I will be taking our DUO show to IPSWICH, to the Steamboat. This ought to be HOT FUN for many reasons - obviously it is always a DELIGHT tp do one of Tom and I's duo gigs (we're actually doing one next weekend at a Private Function, for which i am LEARNING UP "Winter Wonderland"), and it'll be especially good to play Ipswich for LO! For some reason there are quite a few people living in that particular HOOD who've bought records from me recently. ALSO it's the first of what i hope will be MANY trips into uncharted territory next year, and if all goes well this will be a TASTER for a gig LATER in the year with a) The Validators and b) another band EVEN MORE Famous (yes! Even more!) than US! Who might that be, you ask? Ah, if i told you, you would call me PREPOSTEROUS!

Did you see what I did there?

After that we hit the RICH SEAM of ROCK that, hopefully, will coincide with the release of the "Warriors Of Nanpantan" album. We're in HULL at the start of February doing a LIVE SESSION for Raw Talent on the BBC, then the NEXT night we're playing in Leeds again, once more with the MIGHTY Johnny Domino, and then the NEXT weekend we FINALLY bring the Validators back to That London, to play the Bull & Gate.

Ah! The Bull and Gate! Home to so many MEMORIES - the first place i ever drank BEER in That London, the first place i ever did a GIG in That London (in Voon, on my own, AND with The Validators), and most important of all the place where i first met The Beer In My Pint Glass, four years and a bit ago... Also the place where i have seen LOADS of GRATE bands, loads MORE rather LESS GRATE bands, drunk A LOT of beer, had a BILLION GRATE TIMES with various people, and is STILL one of my favourite pubs... EVER!

So yes, we have MANY gigs ahead of us and MUCHO good times hopefully to come - get those dates DIARISED for FUN!

posted 23/11/2004 by MJ Hibbett

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