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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 61

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(MJ Hibbett & The Validators FACT, February 26th 2010)

Hello everybody - we've got Gigs, a Video and records to talk about, so let's GO!


Sunday February 28 - The Lexington, London
(Running the Pop Quiz at London PopFest, starts 12.30pm.)

Tuesday March 9 - The Green Dragon, London
(With Jay Foreman, Adrian Taylor and Simon Metheringham)

Tuesday March 16 - The Lamb, London
(Totally Acoustic with Orange Nichole and George Death)

Friday March 19 - The King & Queen, London
(15 minute set at Scaledown)

Check for further details.


I've finally finished the documentary - "rockumentary", if you will - about me, Tim and Frankie's trip to Germany with Mr
Martin Petersdorf. It's up on YouTube right now, in three parts:

Part one:
Part two:
Part three:

As you can probably tell, we had a GRATE time!


Work continues on the concept album - in a couple of weeks we hope to have all guitar and lead vocals done, as well as some of the STRINGS, ready to get rough mixes done for Emma to sing along to. Then it will be time to start thinking about recording the Voice Cast!

Meanwhile Mr S Hewitt and I have pretty much nailed down the script for our two man version, which we'll be doing in Edinburgh this year. More news on THAT next month, once we start rehearsing!


We had a fantastic time at The Leicester Comedy Festival again this year - thanks VERY much to everybody who came, we SOLD OUT on the second night, it was TERRIBLY exciting! Thanks also to everyone who came to the first Totally Acoustic of the year, with Chris from The Platers and Matt from The Grave Architects, both of whom were GRATE.

It looks like being a summer of Compilation Appearances - by my reckoning there's at least SIX albums coming out that feature us, mostly doing cover versions but with some original material too. Some of those were going to come out LAST summer though, so don't be appalled if they don't all appear!

And finally - we're just hearing about this bloody stupid plan to close down 6Music. If anybody's organising a rampage through the streets do let me know, won't you? In the meantime: - the facebook group - petition complain to the BBC

And that, I think, is enough for now - thanks for listening and see you next time!



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