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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 62
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Hello everybody - we've got a re-release, Dinosaurs, Indietracks and The Coolest Thing Ever to talk about this month, so let's GO!
Tuesday April 20 - The Lamb, London
(Totally Acoustic with Keith Top Of The Pops and Superman Revenge Squad)
It's quiet... almost too quiet! More coming soon though, check http://www.mjhibbett.net/gigs/gigs.htm for further details.
We're re-releasing our lovely album 'Regardez, Ecoutez Et Repetez' via bandcamps soon - when it's officially official there'll be a new promo video, but in the meantime you can buy it or stream it for FREE from HERE:
The download version has now got 'The Drummer's Lament' as a bonus track, individual covers for each song and comes with a PDF booklet too. It took me AGES to get it all set up, so hope you like it!
We're now BOOKED for The Edinburgh Fringe, and will be performing 'Dinosaur Planet: THE MUSICAL' at the GRV from Thursday 5th to Saturday 14 August at NOON every day. If you're coming to the festival do pop in and see us, we'll be EXTREMELY grateful!
Meanwhile recording sessions for the Concept Album continue, with a Historic Day In ROCK coming mid-month when I'll be gathering most of the voice cast in Keith TOTP's studio in That London to record The Talky Bits. I am, needless to say, RATHER EXCITED about it.
Possibly the worst kept secret in ROCK is the fact that pretty much the ONLY MJ Hibbett & The Validators gig for the entire year is going to be at the wonderful Indietracks Festival in Derbyshire this summer.
They've just put weekend tickets on sale at http://www.indietracks.co.uk/tickets.html and if you'd like to go (and I'd advise you DO as it's going to be BRILLIANT) you can get early bird discount tickets NOW for £55 . Other bands playing include top favourites of mine like Allo Darlin', The Just Joans, Lime Chalks, Sarandon, The Smittens, Standard Fare and Winston Echo and LOADS more. Come! It'll be GRATE!
In this month's Judge Dredd Megazine there is a character named after me. Here's the evidence:
I can now RETIRE, safe in the knowledge that NOTHING can ever be as fantastically brilliant as this - to Mr A Ewing, who wrote it, thanks VERY much!
I've got a song on a new compilation tape (TAPE!) from Lost Sound Tapes called 'Ukulele Mekulele Wekulele', which you can buy HERE: http://www.lostsoundtapes.com/ It's lovely!
Meanwhile I've done an interview with Robots & Electronic Brains, in the form of a SONG. You can read the words HERE:
We've just finished recording the song itself, which should be available on a CD with a future paper issue of the zine. It's the FUNKIEST interview you will ever hear!
And finally, thanks to everyone who came to see me play this month, especially those who dragged themselves out of bed to attend myself and Mr Hewitt's Pop Quiz at Popfest. It took us ages to write the questions, so we were very pleased people came!
And that, I think, is enough for now - thanks for listening and see you next time!
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