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MJ Hibbett & The Validators: 50,000,000 Elves Fans Can't Be Wrong

Compilations: 50,000,000 Elves Fans Can't Be Wrong

A Christmas compilation from the beautiful people at WIAIWYA and Stereorrific, two of the nicest record labels you could ever hope to meet. We recorded our song especially for the compilation, then liked it so much we released it as a single ourselves!

The Loneliest Snowman - Menswear Endowment
Double-O Santa - Seks Bomba
Give Us A Kiss (for Christmas) - MJ Hibbett & The Validators
Anorak Christmas - Nixon
We Like Eggnog! - The Rory McBrides
Spicing the Christmas Cake - Sool
Chalet - The Pines
Christmas Sucks - Velodrome 2000
I Wish You Could Be More Like Santa Claus - The Waistcoats
Coventry Carol - Weevil
Thank-you - The Professor
Silent Night - The Weisstronauts

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