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MJ Hibbett & The Validators: I Preferred Their Earlier Stuff

Compilations: I Preferred Their Earlier Stuff

Very soon after I got email at work I joined the uk-indie mailing list, and pretty much since the start we always talked about doing a compilation tape. After years of faffing around Mr Frankie Machine took charge and this tape was produced. I Come From The Fens is the first song of mine he ever heard, while the version of Billy Jones Is Dead here is the version I recorded for possibly use on the Work Is A 4 Letter Word EP. Also featured here are Voon (with what was then an Unreleased Gem), The Fighting Cocks in their previous incarnation as Szeki Kurva, and Frankie Machine both in the unnamed Intro and Outro tracks and as part of the band Sienna.

You can get it online here:

When Martin Met Martine - The Bigger The God
I Come From The Fens - MJ Hibbett
Happy Shopper - Szeki Kurva
Regardless - Vision
Theme From JFG - Japanese Fighting Girls
Trust Him - Sienna
This Is Kitsch Beat - Milk Plus
Rectal Seeds - Voon
Evil Jukebox #1 - Motorcade One
French Films - The Bigger The God
Billy Jones Is Dead - MJ Hibbett
Ramraid - Szeki Kurva
Tell The Truth - Vision
Elvis Loves You - Japanese Fighting Girls
Charlie Boy - Sienna
You can shout all you like - Milk Plus
(I'm A) Social Retard - Airport Girl
Evil Jukebox #3 - Motorcade One

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