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Songs: I'm Saying Yes
notes / gigs / releasesSo, I've been getting quite excited about the referendum on the Alternative Vote
And I've been investigating the arguments of the campaign that's saying "No"
They say that it'll increase extremism
Which is a total lie
And it'll end single party strong governance
And to be honest that's partly why
I'm saying yes - I'm saying yes
And I don't care if that pleases Nick Clegg
I'm saying yes - I'm saying yes
Representative democracy will last long after he's dead
Now, they're telling us it's too complicated
Because they think that we're all thick
The explanation's peasy
In fact, here it is:
All the votes are counted and if no-one gets fifty per cent
They re-allocate the votes of the person who came last to the second choices, then
Keep doing that until someone gets at least half the vote
Apologies if the incredible complexity of that made your mind blow
I'm saying yes - I'm saying yes
And I don't care if that pleases Nick Clegg
I'm saying yes - I'm saying yes
Representative democracy will last long after he's dead
And we'll get a fairer say in who we want for our MPs
A chance of second votes mean that they'll have to broaden their appeal
Yeah, and we can vote for parties who we'd ideally want to win first
And then I guess second for those who've got a chance and seem to be the least worst
I know it's not proportional, and I know it's not the best
But it's the only chance to change it that we're ever likely to get
And if you think the results are gonna be be boring - think of this:
Now they'll all come in on Friday afternoons, so we've got a weekend on the piss
I'm saying yes - I'm saying yes
And I don't care if that pleases Nick Clegg
I'm saying yes - I'm saying yes
Representative democracy will last long after he's dead
Published by Wipe Out Music Publishing
Here in the U of K we're just starting to get geared up for the first full national referendum in AGES, about transferring to the Alternative Vote, as opposed to the ludicrous old First Past The Post system which (according to me) is a load of old crap. All sorts of stupid arguments (NB editorialising) have been put forward as to why we shouldn't vote for it, MOST of which seems to be that Nick Clegg (deputy Prime Minister) thinks it's a good idea.
I've been thinking a LOT about it, so when I got an email this morning asking if I'd be up for doing a pro-AV GIG on Monday I a) said "YES PLEASE!" and b) sat down and wrote this song. I'm fairly sure that it settles the issue for everyone, and fully expect the referendum to be 100% in favour...